Tuesday, November 15, 2011

webquest: Affiliator

  1. Which two of example WebQuests listed on the Elementary link are the best ones? Why? As the affiliator, I believe that the best lessons are taught through group work where students can make decisons own their own in their group and learn to listen to their groups ideas and thoughts. Therefore I believe that the grow school greens and the ice cream flavor lessons were the best to me.  Both lessons were highly group orientated and the students made decisions as a group and I believe that both those lessons will be rememberable.
  2. Which two are the worst? Why? I did not like the ancienct egyptian lesson and the hero lesson becasue I thought the ancient eqyption lesson would be too much information for only a group of two students to do and the knowledge that the students should have gained for the lesson would be lost becasue they would be so rushed to get finished on time. I also disliked the hero lesson mainly because the students were told that they had to pick a different hero. I don't think its fair to tell a student that they can't write about their hero becuase someone else thought the same person was their hero too. I don't understand why two people can't write about the same hero.
  3. What do best and worst mean to you? As the affiliator, the best and worst lessons means that the more group work that is in the lesson is the strongest one. For me, I believe that group work is really important but other factors are important as well such as the time required, the information that is given, and the amount of knowledge to be learned by the students is worth teaching.

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