Wednesday, October 3, 2012

DJE # 7 Challenges to inquiry approaches to learning

What are some challenges to inquiry approaches to learning?

Meaningful Learning has an abundant amount of advantages but like most things in life, every pro has a con.  There are several implementation challenges to inquiry approaches to learning. "One of the most significant challenges to the successful implementation of inquiry approaches is the skills and knowledge of the teachers engaging in this alternative form of teaching and learning (Good & Brophy, 1986)." Teachers need to fully understand inquiry-based learning in order to properly assess, scalfold, and redirect learning.  When students lack prior experience to inquiry-based learning they need a proficient amount of support and modeling from teachers. For example, "students can have difficulty generating meaningful "driving questions" or evaluating their questions to determine if they are warranted by the investigation (Krajcik et al., 1998) or may lack the background knowledge needed to make sense of the inquiry (Edelson, Gordon, & Pea, 1999)." Another challenges have been brought to attention such as students having difficulty developing logical arguments and evidence to support their claims (Krajcik et al., 1998) and students often finding it hard to determine group work skills, managing their time and complexity of work, and sustaining motivation when setbacks or confusion occur (Achilles & Hoover, 1996; Edelson et al., 1999).

Challenges for teachers also come into play as well. Teachers must learn how to juggle new responsibilities and implementation issues such as making the time for extended inquiry-based learning and developing new classroom management techniques. Meeting a variety of criteria for inquiry-based learning lessons also can be a factor. "Successful inquiry-based approaches require careful planning and the development of strategies for collaboration, classroom interaction, and assessment." In my opinion I think this quote is very powerful because of how I see the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning. I have seen videos read articles of multiple success stories but the bottom line is that if you arent going to do it right, then don't do it at all. It has to be carefully planned and the time must be put it in order for this technique to work, so make sure that your students get the education they deserve.

Barron, B., & Darling-Hammond,, L. (2008). Teaching for meaningful learning. Retrieved from

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