Thursday, November 8, 2012

DJE #11

1. The author means that learning doesn't work well when children are programmed to sit like robots and just fly through the routine of school.  Emotions and personal experiences needs to be a big part of learning meaning that children must be up and moving while learning and not just sitting at a desk quitely doing worksheets.
2. Students need to experience their work. Teachers need to use real-world vocabulary and experiences to gain a large vocabulary. When you use a larger vocabulary around children, they pick up that vocabulary as well.
3. By experiencing, acting out, or using the vocabulary word, that is what gives a word a specific meaning. It's how the word is used and expressed.
4. a. Off the hook means that she doesn't have to buy a wedding present anymore.
b. Off the hook means that the shoes are awesome, cool, pretty, etc.
c. Off the hook means seeing the cat fight was amazing, unbelievable, something crazy to see.
5. The work of childhood is experience of the world around them. I do agree because as a child it's important that you experience everything and thrive on their imagination and explore what life has to offer.
6. Yes because knowing a large vocabulary increases a students readability. Learning context clues and knowing synonyms and antonyms will lead to better reading skills.
7. According to the author "identity" is used to mean to be recognized, and the term "game" as something we do for fun. Examples of identities of mine are a future teacher I am supposed to be a role model. As a bride, I am supposed to plan a wedding and as a student I am supposed to get good grades.
8.Good learning is when a student can identify with learning.
9. When teaching we need need to connect real world situations to what your teaching in class so that the students get the chance to really grasp the concept and make connects of their own to their own experiences.
10. Peer to peer interactions is very important because building communication skills is important for life. By interacting with their peers they get the chance to experience language and communication situations that occur on an everyday basis.

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