Monday, December 3, 2012

DJE # 14

Chapter 7

1. What is the most interesting idea you encountered as you read the chapter?
"People can only see a new specialist language as a gain if: (a) the recognize and understand the sorts of socially situated identities and activities the recruit the specialist language; (b) they value these identities and activities, or at least understand why they are values; and (c) they believe they will have real access to these identities and activities, or at least will have access to meaningful perhaps simulated versions of them." ( Gee, p. 93)

2. What connections can you make between Gee's  critique and Sir Ken Robinson's critique of traditional schooling?
They both believe that traditional learning takes away the context and physical action from learning and that's not the way children should learn. 

3. How did this book change or support your understanding of good teaching?
This book has done nothing but shape my understanding of good teaching. Everything that Gee has written in this book is quotable for teachers to live up to and to shape their classrooms. It's important that teachers know their students and to quote Gee not have your students "check their bodies at the door."

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