Thursday, October 6, 2011

Deconstructing Arnold Picture 2

1. What do you see? How does he look?
-Arnold looks like a friendly person in this picture.  He looks very approachable and nice.  You can see his wedding ring in this picture to prove that he looks trust worthy and loyal.  He is wearing a suit to make him look professional.  

2. How does he make you feel?
-Politicians give me the creeps so he makes me feel uncomfortable like most politicians do.  Arnold has this huge grin on his face that he thinks will make everything think he's friendly and kind, but to me it looks fake.  He looks like he is trying too hard.  It makes me feel uncomfortable.

3. What do you think about this person now? How does he make you feel?
-Looking at this photo, I think Arnold looks like a friendly guy, up for a good time.  He looks approachable which is a quality that most people look in a politician.  His smile is a little too big for me to handle and gives off a creepy vibe.  He looks for approachable in this photo than the first photo.

4. How does he look? How do those "looks" influence how you feel?
-He looks like he is happy to have been given the opportunity to become California's new governor.  He looks friendly and approachable.  I also think that he looks like he is trying to hard to look the part though.  Since Arnold had no previous background in politics and was formally a famous body builder and movie star celebrity, he was obviously under a lot of pressure to not mess things up.  Being that said, I think he looks like he is trying too hard to look the part, with a suit and tie on, and a cheesy smile with his finger pointing at you.  He looks so fake that its too unbelievable that he could actually be the next governor.  I think an action shot of him working on the job would have been a better choice.  Even though I think the magazine wasn't stating that they were trilled about the idea anyway since that stated "really" at the end of the headline.  These looks influence how I feel about him because since he was a famous actor previously, he looks like he is just playing another role and "acting" like someone he isn't.  I think of him as just pretending to act the part just as if he was playing a role in a movie.

5. What lifestyles, values, points of view are represented or omitted?
-Since he is in a suit he looks like a business man and very professional.  He looks like he is ready to sit at his desk and get to work on governor's work.  With his big smile, he looks friendly and kind.  One of the big things about this picture is that you can see his wedding ring which represents his trust worthy morals and loyalty.  Which is something a politician wants his voters to believe.

6. What are the differences between the two covers? What techniques are used to attract your attention?
-There are huge differences between the two covers.  In the first cover, Arnold looks very intimidating, and looks like a crime fighter.  He looks very scary and tough.  The techniques used to attract your attention are they used a flamed background, sunglasses, cut off t-shirt and leather gloves with a serious look on his face to attract your attention to the big bold letters about getting in shape.  The second cover shows a completely different side of Arnold.  He looks very friendly and kind in this cover.  He looks professional and business like.  The techniques that were used in this cover were that they had him in a suit and tie with a huge grin on his face showing his wedding ring to make him look trust worthy and loyal to his wife and family. (Even though we all know what happened recently).

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