Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Deconstructing Arnold Picture 1

1. What do you see? How does he look?
-Arnold is a huge buff man and he looks mean and tough. The magazine put Arnold in sun glasses to make him look cool and like a tough guy. The magazine aslso put Arnold in a cut off shirt to show off his huge muscles.  The flamming background makes Arnold look hot because he looks even more like a hero/tough guy ready to run into a burning building.  He is also wearing leather gloves that could mean that he was riding a motorcycle which increases the hot, tough guy image. When you see this picture you also see huge words that describe Arnold, words that make you want to look like Arnold such as Muscle, Fitness, Get Lean, and 20 Inch Arms.

2. How does he make you feel?
-The picture makes me feel like I want to get in shape like Arnold. The magazine probably choose a flamming background to make the audience feel and look hot, which is how I feel when I look at this picture.

3. What do you think about this person now? How does he make you feel?
-When I look at this picture, I think about Arnold being known as the huge body builder and the sexy actor he was always known for being.

4. How does he look? How do those "looks": influence how you feel?
-He looks like he is a huge buff tough guy, ready for anything, whether it be ready to fight off criminals or run into a burning building to save civilians before the house collapses. The magazine chose to put Arnold in a cut off shirt, sunglasses, with a flamming background because they want to use those props to influence how you feel. Those props and backgrounds influence how I feel because they give a sense of realness to the image and gets a certain propaganda to the image.

5. What lifestyles, values, points of view are represented or omitted?
-His lifestyles, values, and points of view in this image look like that of an action hero, that is always ready to fight crime and save the world. The sterotypical action hero looks are all represented on this magazine cover. The sterotypical action hero is a sexy man, big muscles, is a nice man but has no problem kicking butt to evil villians. He normal is a bachlor because he is so busy fighting evil and never has time to date, which makes him look more desirable to women and win their love for action heroes. He looks like he has great moral values of right and wrong and doesn't tollerate criminals or terrorists.

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