Sunday, October 2, 2011

Visual Literacy (dje #6)

Quote:"The tools of visual, media, and information literacy must be taught in school because they will (or won't) be used at home."

Response:This is absolutely true..These tools need to be taught in school because they might not be able to use these tools at home. Children in a public school classroom are going to come from all different kinds of backgrounds and socio-economic statuses. Children should not be restricted more knowledge and a better education because of there socio-economic status. If children do not have access to a computer or internet in their household then the school needs to make sure that the proper computer based education gets taught in school. Its not fair to deprive students of lower class to a better education and to make sure that they have a better chance of success in the future. Anyone that has the will to learn should have the opportunity to do so.

Resource: Abilock, D. (2003, Nov. - Dec.). A Seven-Power Lens on Multimedia Literacy. Multimedia Schools, 1, 31-35.

Related Resource: This is a great related resource that explains how to teach these tools to your students.

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