Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dyslexia (DJE #10)

Quote: "We know now that dyslexia is about so much more than just mixing up letters — that many dyslexics have difficulty with rhythm and meter and word retrieval, that they struggle to recognize voices and sounds. It’s my profound hope that our schools can use findings like these to better teach children who struggle to read, to help them overcome their limitations, and to help them understand that it’s not their fault."

Response: I really enjoyed reading this article because I have always enjoyed listening to true life stories. When someone speaks from the heart its hard not to feel what they feel even if you have never experienced it. Being that I wasn't alive during this time, I don't quite understand how an educator could possibly say to a student to sit quietly and pretend to read because the principal was coming. That blew my mind, so much that I had to read it again just to make sure I read it write. I'm glad that their are people out there that are dedicated to researching and finding new advances to help people with learning disabilities, and as an educator its my job to constantly research new advances that have been made so I can help my students learn to the best of their ability. My sister and I have learning disabilities and have struggled to do well in school since we first entered elementary school. Even though I have ADD and I'm slightly dyslexic, I have found ways of trying to overcome my disorders and as a future educator I truly can't wait to help make a difference by teaching what I have learned and hopefully get to help students that were sitting in my seat back when I was in grade school.

Resource: SCHULTZ, PHILIP. "With Dyslexia, Words Failed Me and Then Saved Me -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. .

Related Resource: Kids health is a great website for children! This website is great for learning to understand dyslexia.

1 comment:

  1. It's so true to think about how this disorder affects people. It effects them in many different ways. To tell a students just to sit quitely well they taught is just crazy. Good post.
