Sunday, October 23, 2011

Relationships formed from social networking trump face-to-face formed relationships (DJE #9)

Quote:"The relative anonymity of being on-line promotes self-expression. In addition, the relative absence of non-verbal cues (e.g. attractiveness) and the ability to link with others with similar interests, values and beliefs facilitates the formation of relationships based on deeper connections such as shared values and beliefs."

Reaction: I have a new belief in relationships formed from social networking after reading this article. To be totally honest, I always thought it was creepy and weird that someone would share all there intimate secrets and their life with someone that they have never met. After reading this article I kind of understand how a relationship that was formed from social networking could last longer, and be an overall better relationship or match for eachother because you have a deeper unstanding of that other person where looks don't stop you from having a personal conversation with them. It has become a last resort to most people in today's society to form a relationship with someone over the internet, but maybe it shouldn't be anymore. Maybe this is the better way to go, and just maybe, the divorce rate wouldn't be as high if people choose to use social networking sites to form relationships. If you are trying to find that special someone, they might not be at your local bar or get together place, they might be waiting for you on

Resource: Owens, L. (2009, April 23). Internet & Anti-Social Behavior Theory Unfounded: Facebook, MySpace, Online: Research Refutes Cyber Socializing Fears | Psychology Suite 101. Retrieved October 21, 2011, from

Related Resource: This website describes relationships on facebook or other social networks.


  1. I agree that there is some merit to judging people by what they say and not by physical traits. Students who may be bullied, shy or lack confidence may find social networks a wonderful forum for expressing what they really think and feel as well as developing sincere relationships.

  2. Very informative response. I still think its creepy to put your business out there for everyone to see. Maybe i'm just too cautious to allow that to happen with my children. Good job!

  3. I agree with Kimberly. Being able to express your true self is sometimes difficult in a face to face situation.
